You know you’re in alignment with the cosmos when an inspiring Chef shows up to your community and makes time with you. It was also an honor to meet his Son Ari too. What a wonderful spirit that young man has become. White Mountain Apache and Diné Chef,
Nephi Craig (Eastern Arizona), has been cultivating, and implementing recovery techniques through indigenous foods to heal people from substance abuse, and addiction. On White Mountain Apache tribal land, Craig opened his
Café Gozhóó to curate ‘a broader mission to help restore personal and cultural health to the community by revitalizing the Western Apache food system, and reintroducing Native foodways as medicine.’
In addition to indigenous foods, Nephi Craig is a Behavioral Health Tech and certified Relapse Prevention Specialist who said, “In the recovery world, there’s a ‘biopsychosocial model’ [emphasizing the interconnection between biological, psychological, and socio-environmental factors in substance abuse], which is about how a person is affected by addiction, and how they’re going to heal or get better. Native or Indigenous Food Sovereignty hits on those three clinical quadrants, but it also hits a fourth one, of spirituality—and I feel like that’s how it’s healing people, emotionally and mentally.”
Yesterday we took the time to get to know each other’s thoughts on Food Sovereignty, science, arts & culture, storytelling, and the negative impacts we’re seeing in the health and wellness sector today.
I have an invitation to join him on some great ideas, and I’m looking forward to it.
For those who haven’t seen the latest documentary on his journey. Watch “Gather” on Netflix. Very proud of this brother.
Safe travels my friend, and I'll keep you updated on the timing of things.