Sunday, May 23, 2021

The URBAN NATIVE PHILOSOPHY KITCHEN I'm developing in Tacoma Washington (Part 1)

By Ramon Shiloh (Executive Chef)

馃The Urban Native Philosophy Kitchen (Spring 2022) was created to reflect knowledge and observations of Native life, advocate for eating only seasonal ingredients, and bridge awareness to the understanding that partnering with local and Indigenous farmers is a healthier way to combat the inadequate processing, storage, and distribution systems and facilities which have eroded our relationship to food in urban cities across America.

Our mission is to partner with rotating local, regional, and national Native chefs to build empowering stories that reflect their foodway systems and philosophies, address challenges, and discuss the need to share our Indigenous food knowledge in this ever-changing world.

The Urban Native Philosophy Kitchen core values are focused on building healthy relationships with our tribal elders, Native veterans, and Native youth, as well as to our mourning ceremonies, youth functions, and all identities seeking to eat healthy food within our communities, throughout the Salish Sea and across the country.

馃Alma/Urban Native Philosophy Kitchen recognizes that we operate on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup people.
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We gratefully acknowledge that we rest on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People where they make their home and speak the Lushootseed language.

馃Photo: Speaking with Executive Director Lisa Fruichantie during our Land Acknowledgment Ceremony with Permanent Installation by Paige Pettibon (September 29th, 2021)

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