Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Alphabet Understanding with an Upcoming Essay on the way....


Shit's Getting Real in 2024-2025 People!!

From the quiet act of self-publishing a book to stepping onto the stage for a one-man show, I’ve come to understand that the alphabet is far more than just a set of letters. It’s a testament to the shifting tides of our collective consciousness, a mirror reflecting the struggles that define our humanity. In my upcoming essay, I’ll delve into how the alphabet became a tool to probe societal norms and confront the issues that challenge our very existence. This journey began in 1993, a year of profound loss, marked by my mother’s passing and a personal turning point that reshaped my life.

It was in 1995, with a heavy heart and a sense of urgency, that I illustrated and wrote the stories for each of the 26 letters, later self-publishing them (2006) in Guidance Through an Illustrative Alphabet. This book was more than just a creative endeavor; it was a call to action, a plea for us to remember the past so that we might forge a better future. As children, we learn the alphabet to build words and sentences. As adults, we must relearn it as a means to deepen our understanding of the world and our place within it.
Each letter, though unchanged, was paired with an illustration and a story or poem that grappled with the pressing issues of our time—environmental degradation, racial injustice, and global strife. These illustrations, created in 1995, were not just artistic expressions but warnings, predictions of the evolving challenges that would continue to shape our lives. The letters themselves may remain constant, but the conversations around them have only grown more urgent. Each page was a lesson, a guide for survival, urging us to confront the darkness in our history so that we might shine a light on a more just and compassionate future.
In a world that so often feels fractured and uncertain, we need stories like these—stories that remind us of our shared humanity, of the lessons we must carry forward to be good people. By understanding the past, by acknowledging the pain and the struggle, we arm ourselves with the wisdom needed to build a better tomorrow. But be warned—these lessons are not easy. They demand reflection, courage, and above all, a commitment to change. As you turn each page, remember that the journey toward a better future begins with the willingness to learn from the past.
✨More to come everyone.
✨Medium: Colored Pencil and Ink
©Ramon Shiloh 1995/2006/2024…

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