Saturday, October 19, 2024

Man's Ego vs. Immortality: Revisiting the Cycle of Life and Its Impact on Future Generations


There are many things to accomplish in the short span of individual consciousness. When my time in this stage is complete, I hope there will still be countless things left for me to do, as there are now. I have so many desires and pursuits. To do is, in essence, to be.
Live, lest you die without ever knowing the difference.
I love the rhythm of life: to be, to know, to understand.

They say the best things in life are free, and in a way, that's true. Everything comes at a cost, whether external or internal. However, it isn’t always necessary to pay with money or equivalent exchange for the good things in life. The key is recognizing what is truly good. For me, those things are faith, charity, hope, the Earth in all her moods, and the life force of the universe. What I value in humanity includes music, with its endless variations; our earnest attempts to understand and improve on nature; and our embarrassment at our failures.
True friendship and deep understanding (though imperfect) cannot be bought or traded. Life may or may not be an illusion of our egos. If it is, then at least make it a good illusion.

We fear as mortals yet desire as immortals. Humanity longs for truth, thirsts for it, and yet denies it time and again. We live in fear of death, though we begin to die the moment we are born. Fathers create life; mothers nourish it. We are born of two dying creatures, caught in the process of maturation and death. True life begins in the womb.
We are energy.

Energy that doesn't die but reappears, just as plants return from one season to the next. We call this rebirth a new generation. We are our children and our children's children.
What we usually recognize as life is ego, but ego is not life. When we die, all that dies is the ego. The body, too, is lost. It is simply a fortress that houses the mind and soul. We should not fear the temporary state of physical death, but we do. There are those who claim not to fear death, but I wonder if they speak truthfully.

Man, in his technical progress, has become so conceited that he wishes to carry his own ego into the next generation. Does this mean he feels he cannot be improved upon? Has he reached such brilliance that there is nothing left to learn?
It’s said that Walt Disney had his body frozen after death to be revived in the future. Did he feel so complete in knowledge that he deserved to contribute beyond his own time? I admire his accomplishments in this space and time. However, I doubt that his frozen body will offer anything to the future. The flesh is left behind; only the energy continues.

One question persists: if I live a good life, will I live again? I believe I will. But if someone’s life is filled with evil, will that person also live again? I believe so.
Yet, if both good and evil are reborn, what is the point of striving for good to triumph over evil? I believe the difference lies in the type of life that follows. Good progresses and reaps its benefits; evil merely repeats itself. One leads to enlightenment, while the other is doomed to stagnation. Evil is the base, the primitive foundation of humanity. Good serves as the vanguard, the promise of something greater. Good is the soul of man, while evil is his ego. Neither can be destroyed, but we must strive to balance the two within ourselves.

While immortality may seem desirable, it is also the essence of true evolution. The only thing standing between mankind and immortality is our inability to fully obey nature and our tendency to separate from it without understanding. We do not know how to surrender to our inner selves. Humanity remains an enigma to itself and will not evolve further until it accepts what it already knows.
Generally, people today view immortality as the survival of the individual ego. But gradually, we are accepting another kind of immortality: that life is energy, returning again and again in different forms and at different times. This continual rebirth happens because of the need for further evolution of this collective energy. Only when energy has fully evolved is it ready for the next step, its ultimate purpose.

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